Why Is Skin Cancer a Worry for Everyone?

Sometimes statistics can be super scary. If you're squeamish, perhaps you should stop reading now before you learn that two thirds of Australians are expected to be diagnosed with some form of skin cancer before they get to their 'seventies. As you are statistically at risk, you need to spend more time looking in the mirror or getting a loved one to help check for early signs. What should you be on the lookout for, in particular? [Read More]

Things Not to Say When Applying for a Medical Physician Vacancy

So, you're a polished and experienced medical physician. You've just applied for a medical physician vacancy and you've landed an interview. Congratulations! Now all you need to do is sail through the interview to get the job. However, things don't always go to plan. In this article, we'll talk about the things you should never say when applying for a medical physician vacancy so that you can avoid them and nail that interview. [Read More]

The Problems That Could Stop You Wearing Contact Lenses

Contact lenses have changed the lives of many a glasses-wearer, allowing them to see clearly in situations where it's impractical or undesirable to wear their specs. While contact lenses can take a little bit of getting used to, most people who have them master the technique of putting them in and removing them fairly quickly. Unfortunately, there are some people who might never get the opportunity to try. Although contacts are suitable for the majority of people with poor eyesight, there are some who may not be able to wear them. [Read More]

A Brief Guide to Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be permanent or temporary and is something that many people experience at some point in their lives. There are many different causes of hearing loss. Ageing is a common cause, but overexposure to loud noise can be a factor, as can medical problems such as Meniere's disease or ear infections. There are many treatments available from antibiotics to hearing aids, depending on the cause of your hearing loss. This short guide aims to explain hearing loss in more detail, from the initial symptoms to how it can be treated and prevented. [Read More]