Two steps you can take to help an elderly relative stay healthy and safe in their own home

Many elderly people with health problems do not like the idea of moving from their own homes into nursing facilities, as they do not want to lose their independence. If you have an aging relative in poor health who feels this way, here are a couple of things you do to enable them to remain in their own home without jeopardising their wellbeing or their safety.

Modify their home

Making a few adjustments to your relative's house could have an enormously positive impact on their daily life, by making it easier for them to perform simple daily tasks without injuring themselves.

For example, if your relative has arthritis and this affects their mobility levels, it might be worth installing a handrail next to the bathtub. This would allow your relative to climb into and out of the bath, without slipping and hurting themselves. This would, in turn, ensure that they could continue to bathe themselves without assistance.

Similarly, if their home has stairs, the installation of an electric stair-lift could enable them to move from one floor of their property to another, without having to exert themselves or run the risk of falling and breaking a bone.

It may also be a good idea to purchase a kettle tipper for them so that they can prepare their own hot drinks when there is no-one around to help them. This item can make it easier for a person with stiff, arthritic hands to pour hot water into a mug without knocking over the kettle and scalding themselves.

Arrange for their local aged care provider to assist them

If you have a job or children, it can be extremely difficult to find the time to visit and assist an elderly relative. This problem can be made more challenging when the relative in question does not wish to move into a nursing facility.

In this situation, it could be useful to seek out the help of an aged care provider. Aged care specialists can offer your relative the support they need to stay healthy, happy and safe in their own home.

If for instance, your relative has mobility problems that affect their ability to cook food, their aged care provider could arrange for one of their employees to assist your relative with the preparation of hot meals.

They can also help them with carrying out basic household chores, going food shopping, or getting dressed in the mornings.

This type of support could significantly improve your elderly relative's quality of life and allow them to continue to live independently for many more years.
